What Is A Wedding Sand Ceremony?

What Is A Wedding Sand Ceremony?

A wedding is the most beautiful event in one’s life and the wedding ceremony includes some heart-warming traditions like saying vows and exchanging rings to celebrate the union of the two souls. One such lovely custom is a wedding sand ceremony that signifies the love, bond, and union of bride and groom. To add a unique and romantic touch to your nuptial, it’s great to include sand ceremony in it. Now you might be thinking that where does the sand ceremony go in a wedding? Well you can plan a unity sand ceremony right after exchanging the vows and rings. To assist you in planning an attractive wedding sand ceremony, we've compiled a list of everything you need to know about wedding sand ceremonies.

wedding sand ceremony

Procedure To Perform Unity Sand Ceremony

It’s quite simple to perform a sand ceremony, all you need is a table near the altar, two clear sand vases one for the bride and other for the groom, and one large vase to pour the sand in to complete the ritual. The bride and groom pour sand from their vases into the empty unity vase at the same time, mixing the sand into an indivisible combination to symbolize their oneness and commitment. The couple might remain silent, give a speech, or play their favorite songs during the unity sand ceremony. Also, to conclude the ceremony a poem or a reading is narrated at the end of this spiritual ceremony to make it more heartening.

Lovely Family Sand Ceremony

Traditionally, this ceremony is performed by the bride and groom but families with children can adopt this amazing tradition too, to signify their bond as a family unit. To display the individuality of every member participating in the sand ceremony use different color sands creating a spectacular and vibrant unity vessel. This will not only bring all the members of the family closer to each other but will also signify their union and bonding in a colorful way.

Gorgeous Vessels For Wedding Sand Ceremony

There are many ways to make your unity sand ceremony unique and outstanding. Opt for a stunning unity vase design as it’s a keepsake forever and you can also select a vessel that has a significance in your life. Make an adorable vessel by customizing the container with your name or your wedding date. Get creative by using unity sand ceremony with photo frames, customized decanters, cork bottles, apothecary jars, and geometric vases. Moreover, for the beach wedding sand ceremony pour the sand using seashells for an enticing appeal.


Where To Get The Sand For Marriage Sand Ceremony

The sand used in the unity sand ceremony might be neutral in color to honor your lifetime commitment, or different colors of sand can be used to retain uniqueness. You may also match the color of the sand to the wedding's overall color theme. Alternatively, if you want to add color symbolism, choose sand in hues that best express your feelings. Furthermore, you may collect sand from special places in your life, such as your hometown beach, the beach where you first met, or places you've travelled together. If you don't have a particular sand choice, decorative sand will serve the purpose well.


The wedding sand ceremony gives you a souvenir from your wedding that reminds you of this memorable day. So do share your thoughts about sand ceremony in the comments box below!

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