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Tablecloths Quiz: True or False!

Tablecloths Quiz: True or False!

All of those event planners and party planners out there know their stuff, we’re sure of that! From coordinating colors to arranging centerpieces, the people who plan a party really know their stuff. We’re challenging all that knowledge with a little tablecloths quiz. See just what you know with our little quiz below!

  1. Tablecloths didn’t become the full length masterpieces that you see today until the 10th century.
  2. Tablecloths were first written of in stone tables in 2,000 B.C.
  3. Embroidery was started as a way to weigh down tablecloths and continues to be the best way to hold a tablecloth down!
  4. The best tablecloth fabrics are made of fleece.
  5. The side of the tablecloth that is meant to face up, is called ‘face.’

Alright, no peeking!

Scroll down to check your answers.

  1. True! If you read our post last week, you would know tablecloths were short and single use originally until they started covering tables.
  2. False! The first written mention of tablecloths was in 103 A.D.
  3. False! Tablecloths are held down in a variety of ways, including centerpieces and plates!
  4. False again! Cotton is a gorgeous fabric, as is chiffon for daintier looks!
  5. Totally true this time!

So how did you do? Not too tricky right? Don’t worry; we’ll definitely stump you next time!

type-table ideas
Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Tablecloths: Part 1 Simple Tablecloths Tips to Keep in Mind